Friday, November 29, 2019

An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax The WritePass Journal

An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax Introduction An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax . Huizinga, H., J. Voget and W. Wagner, 2011, International taxation and cross-border banking, European Banking Center, Discussion paper, No. 2011-015. IMF, 2010, Financial Sector Taxation, IMF’s report to the G-20 and Background Material, Chapter 7. Keen, M., 2011, Rethinking the taxation of the financial sector, CESifo Economic Studies, 57, 1, 2011. Matheson, T., 2011, Taxing Financial Transactions: Issues and Evidence, IMF Working Paper 11/54. McCulloch, N. and G. Pacillo, 2011, The Tobin Tax: A Review of the Evidence, working paper. Schulmeister, S., M. Schratzenstaller, and O. Picek, 2008, A General Financial Transaction Tax, Motives, Revenues, Feasibility and Effects, Report commissioned by Ecosocial Forum Europe, co-financed by Federal Ministry of Finance and Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, Vienna: WIFO Wagner, W., 2010, In the Quest of Systemic Externalities: A Review of the Literature, CESifo Economic Studies, 2010, Vol. 56, pp. 96-111.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hepatitis A Essays - Infectious Causes Of Cancer, RTT, Hepatitis

Hepatitis A Essays - Infectious Causes Of Cancer, RTT, Hepatitis Hepatitis A title = Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Introduction: Hepatitis is caused by a virus that is targeted at the liver, one of your most important organs!! Specifically, it causes inflammation and injury to the liver. Hepatitis comes in many different forms, five to be exact. There is Hepatitis A, B, C, D Hepatitis is caused mainly by viruses, all of which are set on shutting down your liver. I will be specifically concentrating on Hepatitis A in this report. Hepatitis A is also known as infectious Hepatitis, an extremely contagious viral infection that often effects young children and young adults, especially those in large groups. It has been known to break out in schools, summer camps and music festivals etc. Hepatitis A is also very common in developing nations. Outbreaks occur due to unsanitary conditions such as contamination of the food and water supply. The Liver: The liver is an organ which is located upper right part of your abdomen. It has one main function. This function is to clean out your blood. How this happens is from your inferior venacava, there is a group if veins called the mesenteric veins. They branch off and take dirty blood to your liver to be cleaned. Now, when the virus moves in and stops the liver from doing its job, just imagine all the toxins and unwanted waste and chemicals that build up in your body.!! Causes: Hepatitis A is transmitted almost always by the fecal oral route. It is spread by close personal contact with fecally contaminated water supplies, fruits and vegetables. Poor personal hygiene promotes spread of the virus as well which is why the incidence of Hepatitis is higher in developing nations, where poor sanitary conditions exist. It can also be transmitted by raw or partially cooked clams from contaminated water. Properties of the virus: The hepatitis A virus is a non - enveloped 27 nano meters in size, virus. It is characterized as a RNA based virus. Inactivation of viral activity can be achieved by heating to 100 C for five minutes, and by contact with formaldehyde and chlorine or by ultraviolet irradiation. The virus is present in the liver, bile, stool and blood during the illness. Symptoms: The symptoms of viral hepatitis are not very pretty. Getting Hepatitis is not a fun experience. The first symptoms of Hepatitis A are mild and vague. They generally appear from about 2 weeks to 6 months after exposure to the virus. The symptoms at first seem as though you have a mild case of the flu. Therefore, you feel abnormally tired. This keeps up for a few days and you begin to feel a loss of appetite as well as nausea. A low grade fever between 100 f - 102 f is present. A pain and discomfort in the abdomen above the liver is also common, due to enlargement of the liver. After a few days of torture, a persons urine becomes darker than usual and then jaundice, (a yellowish discoloration of the skin) appears. Jaundice and the dark urine indicate that liver is not functioning properly in removing a reddish-yellow pigment called bilirubin from the blood. Treatment / Prevention: There is no specific treatment for viral Hepatitis. Bed rest and preferably hospitalization is a necessary step in the early treatment. Even though Hepatitis A is a highly contagious virus, isolation of the patient to a single room is not necessary. However, proper prevention methods such as washing your hand after handling the patient, careful handling of the body fluids and feces and wearing gloves when drawing blood is important. Prolonged bed rest is not essential for full recovery but patients feel better with restricted physical activity. A high calorie diet is a good idea and because many patients have nausea late in the day, the major caloric intake is best given in the morning. Intravenous feeding is necessary if the patient has continuos vomiting. Isolation of the patient to a single room and bath room is unnecessary, however the patient and other people in contact should be reminded of preventative measures such as washing hands and of careful handling of body fluids and feces. Gloves should be worn when handling or drawing blood. Patients

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CHAPTER ONE Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CHAPTER ONE - Personal Statement Example an enterprise in regard to retention or acquisition of customers is highly influenced by market trends and the interaction and relationship between that enterprise and its customers. The evolution of firm-customer relations have made companies more persistent on acquiring new customers than they pursue customer retention. This has come at a time when companies face industrial and informational change, thus the need to diversify their customer base. Essentially, acquisition of customers provides for this need effectively and efficiently. Market competition is another critical factor that makes companies persistent on acquiring new customers. Customer-driven competition requires that companies align their view of the customer with all the underlying business functions, thus becoming customer-strategy enterprises (Peppers and Martha 32). The ultimate objective is to enhance the realization of enterprise profitability while ensuring that the diverse and dynamic customer interests are met. Changing the new-customer-acquisition course would be influenced by a redirection of priority to retention when it comes to growing customer base

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Criminology Theories. A glimpse into the future Case Study

Criminology Theories. A glimpse into the future - Case Study Example . However, because of the stigma attached to the primary deviance, these same people often consciously considered a form of secondary deviance behavior that reinforced the beliefs of the same mainstream society that shunned them in the first place. It is my contention that with smoking outlawed, that the people who had been addicted to the substance before it was made illegal would have continued to smoke, but the process would have involved a number of illegal activities and hidden behaviors given the social condemnation of the act. These would include behaviors such as growing tobacco plants, harvesting and selling the substances, much in the same way marijuana is being grown and distributed in society today. It is clear that the changes mentioned in this case scenario would impact the types of laws that are of importance to society. For example it would appear that traffic offences and deaths would be substantially reduced due to the changes in transportation, and that inner urban areas would become more crowded as people moved from high population areas such as Florida for example, inland to where they were less likely to be affected by flooding.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The origin of humans Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The origin of humans - Coursework Example Contrary to the argument, genes are not transferable to other species hence different species poses different appearance. There is a great confusion since appearance can be helpful in species identification, hence disregarding the biological definition (Lewin, 2005). The evolution of man contrasts the biological definition of species in the aspect of appearance. The successful interbreeding of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis biologically denotes them to belong to the same species biologically (Lewin, 2005). Neanderthals are closest relatives of Homo sapiens but belong to different species. Their evolutionary trace is in Asian and Europe while Homo sapiens fossils are in Africa. They concur in appearance but form different species hence more confusion when dating the human evolution. Strict biological definition concentrates on testing and stating theories for biodiversity measurement through taxonomy family levels. It has broad scale consideration but various implications. In consideration of species definition, it becomes difficult to assign the correct taxonomic rankings for the fossil study (Sober, 1994). The challenge is that, most living species interbreeding documentation is imperative since past fossils can no longer mate although the need for dating human evolution and origin is still

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Old And New Testament Views On Social Justice Religion Essay

Old And New Testament Views On Social Justice Religion Essay Christians regard the Bible as a uniquely important source for human life on matters of belief and practice. For human beings to live a life that is meaningful and dignified, they have to be in a just and fair society that looks up to the need of others. For this to happen justice has to be emphasized, it has to be the driving force. In the Bible, God clearly imposed social concern upon his people especially the poor and the marginalized. In Bible, numerous passages such as; in 1 John 3: 17 and James 3:14-17 draw peoples attention towards social concern and social justice. DEFINITION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE. Defining social justice, Dr Paul Kengor said, Historically, social justice has meant different things to different people, and so equally todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Online). This statement actually means that social justice is a just a branch of justice that accommodates all forms of justice, it being restorative justice, economic justice distributive justice, rectificatory justice and so forth. We can in this paper therefore, say that biblical justice entirely consists of social justice because there are many chapters like Matthew 18:23-35 it talks about penal fairness that needs punishment by the book but lacks mercy is not the kind of justice desired by God. Also in Matt 20:1-16: the summary on social justice is an economy of care for the common good through social sustainability, healing, and transformation. Marshall in his book said, There is huge amount data to deal with. There are hundreds of texts in the Old and New Testament, which speaks explicitly about justice, and hundreds more, which refer to it implicitly. Justice is in fact one of the most frequently recurring to topics in the Bible (2005:3). What actually Marshall means here is that, Biblical justice covers all aspects of life in terms of justice such as the personal and the social, the public and the private, the political and religious, the human and nonhuman. But on the other hand, such remarks may mean that biblical justice does not consist entirely of social justice, but also independent justices such as political justice and many others. Marshall said, Justice entails the appropriate distribution of social benefits and penalties and contending parties(2005:6). Still more despite such analysis, social justice in biblical justice concept, remain inclusive of other justices because, the product of each justice is a social concern to the need. OLD TESTAMENT CONCEPTS OF JUSTICE Marshall in his book wrote, Often in Hebrew Bible, righteousness (sedeqah) and Justice (mishpat) occur as a word pair with virtually identical meaning: But let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an overflowing stream (Amos 5:24)(2005:12. So this statement means that righteousness in the Bible incorporates the idea of doing justice and doing justice conveys the idea of putting right what has gone wrong. Social justice of the Old Testament indeed was concerned with giving according to need thought it worked antagonistically; to the other it was really social justice and to another a different justice. For example, the deliverance of Israel by God from slavery in Egypt, it was a justice on social concern to them by God; but it was under a covenant. Marshall said, Biblical justice is therefore covenant justice. It is the practical outworking of Israels special relationship with God (2005:15). We can say, that indeed God did well for the Israelites out of the obedience to the law He gave them through Moses at Mount Sinai. The Law actually reviews what needed for Israel to live in peace, to experience what the God intended for human society, and all was done out of the covenant which was made. In this justice, Israel had seen God intervene in their liberation from the oppression of slavery, to lead her safely through the wilderness and to constitute her as a free independent people. This became Israels own experience that God was a God of justice, Isaiah 30:8. Gods justice towards the covenant people was a call the Israelites to act towards one another I the way God had acted towards them, with justice, mercy and equity. It is also recorded in some chapters like in Leviticus 19: 15 You shall not render an unjust judgement; you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great: with justiceyou shall judge your neighbour. It is aslo written on social justice in the Old Testament that, You shall not deprive a resident alien or an orphan of justice; you shall not take the widows garment in pledge. Remenber that you were a slave in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you from there; therefore I command you to do this, Deuteronomy 24:17-18. This has actually pointed to Marshalls description of Gods justice for covenant, through biblical justice which leds to social justice and further with the concerns with giving according to need. Sometime, Biblical justice points at social justice with no concern to giving according to need. Marshall said, justice requires impartiality; at other time partiality(2005:38). In Exodus 23:3, nor shall you be partial to the poor in a lawsuit. As for Marshall, he poits to this kind of justice in accord to what he called criminal justice. Actually, we can support his point with the biblical justice on social justice in Exodus 22:21-24. God warns the Egyptians with His wrath in favour of the resident aliens, widows and orphans. In other instances, Marshall said, Gods bias or preferential option for the por is, ultimately, in the interest of equity. In the perennial struggle for social Justice (2005:41). This statement from Marshall actually talks about distributive justice that considers fair dealing between men. This is also a biblical justice of Gods bias according to Marshall, can be seen through Gods historic intervention to rescue powerless impoverished Israel fro the hands of the Pharoahs in Egypt, and feed them in wilderness. This is Gods justice which is purely social justice which was give according to the neen of Israel at that particular time. The other Gods justice which is in nature of social justice that is concerned with the giving according need is actually in Deuteronomy 24:19-2. This justice provides specific welfare and protection for the por and vulnerable. It is inform of law which guarantees access to food. They are given justice according to the need for survival. This is purely a social justice for social concern in biblical justice. OLD TESTAMENT CONCEPT OF JUSTICE. In the New Testament, biblical justice is not different from that of the Old Testament because the words that are used for justice remain the same, like righteousness but differs only that most of them are teaching by Jesus Christ. Jesus in part of this bible portrays biblical justice consisting social justice by barely giving according to the need. Marshall wrote, At the outset of His ministry, Jesus deliberately evoked this messianic expectation by defining His own mission in terms of bringing justice to the poor (2005:50). Indeed this is what Jesus had started to do, Isaiah 61:1. The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken -hearted, and to proclaim liberty to the captives release to the prisoners. For Jesus to accomplish this he rejected social discrimination, he promoted social justice and gave it according to the need. To the rich man who wanted to know he was to do to enter the kingdom of god, Jesus to him to sell all that he had and share the money with the poor. This is another biblical justice from our Lord Jesus Christ, as sign for social justice, which he had promoted. To fight social discrimination, Jesus openly criticized the self-righteous arrogance of the religious experts and knowingly antagonized them by enjoying intimate fellowship with sinners and outcasts. For example in Matthew 9:13 when He said, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners and also in Luke 5:27-23, a story of how He met Levi the tax collector and how the Pharisees and Scribes complained about it. Therefore, social justice of Jesus who is characterized by giving according to need viewed in Levis story, Jesus also assessed a new community, which was inclusive, and the poor were to be given preferential option. CONCLUSION. Indeed, both Old and New Testament provide Biblical justice which is entirely consist of social justice that is concerned only with the giving according to the need because it is a complex multifaceted reality. It relates to every dimension of human experience. Biblical justice to its social justice seeks to restore dignity to those who have been unjustly deprived of, to meet their basic needs. Jesus proclaimed of the Kingdom of God as a social justice. That is, proper use of wealthy and not excluding the weak and the vulnerable from participation in national matters.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

leadership and management :: essays research papers

The Functions of management Henri Fayol – first person to come up with a list of functions or elements of management †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Planning – setting objectives and also strategies, policies, programmes and procedures for achieving them. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organising – managers set tasks which need to be preformed if the business wants to achieve its objectives. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Commanding – this involves giving instructions to subordinates to carry out tasks. The manager has the authority to make decisions. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Co-ordinating – this is the bringing together of the activities of people within the business. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Controlling – managers measure and correct the activities of individuals and groups, to make sure that their performance fits in with plans. The management process Peter Drucker – grouped the operations of management into five categories †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Setting objectives for the organisation †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Job measurement – assessing whether the business has met its objectives †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organising the work †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Motivating employees †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Developing people – the management should bring out the best in people Four styles of management Autocratic – orders come form the top, and no leeway is allowed Democratic – less centralised, give space for initiative Laissez faire – arises from over worked or lazy management, staff is left to their own devices Paternalistic – decision making is still centralised but a noticeable attention and care for staff McGregor’s Theory X & Y Douglas McGregor undertook a survey of managers in the USA and identified two styles of management, which he called Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X managers tend to distrust their subordinates; they believe employees do not enjoy their work and that need to be controlled. Theory X is about the views managers have on their workforce. Theory Y managers believe that employees do enjoy their work and they want to contribute ideas and effort. Theory Y manager is more likely to involve employees in decisions Why do leader adopt different styles? Fiedler – argued that ‘it is easier to change someone’s role or power, or to modify the job he has to do, than to change his leadership style’. He found that it is difficult for people to change their leadership styles – an autocrat will always lead in n autocratic style. Fiedler suggested that a business should attempt what he called leadership match – to find a leader to fit the situation. Leader can either be task orientated or relationship orientated Hersey and Blanchard – argued that a leader’s strategy should not only take account of the situation, but also the maturity of those who are led. A leader will have task behaviour or relationship behaviour.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A True Hero

Anonymous Prof. Smith 2 October 2011 A True Hero Soaring through fiery infernos, slaying dragons, rescuing the damsel in distress; heroes are stereotypically viewed as those who go through a heart-pounding adventure to save the love of their life. However, this does not always have to be the case, especially in real life. Although some may disagree, Gilgamesh is a hero is his own right because of his bravery, perseverance and loyalty. Just as Gilgamesh has these attributes of a hero, I believe my Grandfather contains these attributes too. My Grandfather, who is my mother’s father, went through a lot in his life to illustrate how he obtained my reverence towards him and why I believe he is a modern-day hero. Bravery is the key component that all heroes share. Without bravery, those defined as heroes would have been unable to overcome obstacles or take chances in their path of life. Determined to prove himself as the mightiest being, Gilgamesh showed his bravery by slaying Humbaba. While my grandfather failed to slay any massive beasts, he confirmed his bravery through other means. My grandfather first stunned me with his bravery when he shared his stories of being in the Navy. This is really impressive to me because I would never have the guts or strength to be able to handle the Navy and serve our country at the risk of sacrificing my life. Both Gilgamesh and my grandfather showed their bravery because they were able to stare death in the eye, and survive. It is also necessary that heroes maintain the ability to persevere or else heroes would be non-existent. Perseverance is the driving force that motivates heroes to keep going even in the face of adversity. If heroes lost perseverance, their journey would end when an obstacle blocked their path. It is a true hero who stands up in the face of adversity and continues to push forward to the finish line. Gilgamesh showed his perseverance after Enkidu died. Faced with adversity, Gilgamesh never took no for an answer as he searched for the key to immortality. Just as Gilgamesh showed perseverance, so too has my grandfather. My grandfather is an avid businessman and has been faced with many obstacles. In business, high risk equals high reward, but high risk can also induce high failure. My grandfather has always told me â€Å"Failures define who you are† because it tests your character. Throughout his career he has faced failure, understood how it felt to own nothing through bankruptcy, but he has never given up. His perseverance through failure made him stronger and led him the successes he was able to obtain. No matter the obstacle, Gilgamesh and my grandfather persevered through difficult times, never gave up, and came out on top. Finally, loyalty is another important trait heroes share. Loyalty is the fundamental reason as to why many heroes are brave and persevere. Whether it is loyalty to a loved one, family, a friend, or even their city, loyalty keeps heroes persevering and motivated. For Gilgamesh, Enkidu was his loyal companion. Their loyalty towards each other was un-measureable and their friendship was unbreakable. When Enkidu passed away, Enkidu inspired Gilgamesh to journey for immortality. My grandfather’s loyalty was persistent throughout his life towards my grandmother, his kids, and even his grandchildren. From the time he met my grandmother he was always completely loyal to her. Through good times and bad they were always at each other’s side. When he had kids it was the same way and even today he shows his loyalty to his grandkids by attending their sporting events or just being there for support. Bravery, perseverance, loyalty: three key components to be recognized as a hero. Each trait plays off the other, but a true hero exemplifies all three. While soaring though fiery infernos, slaying dragons, and rescuing the damsel in distress may be exciting, becoming a hero isn’t as difficult as fairytales make it seem. To be a true hero, ultimately all that is required is a strong and courageous heart, a never-give-up mentality, and faithfulness to all those important in your life. Acquiring these attributes is easy to do and make you a hero in anyone’s eyes, even if it’s just your grandson’s.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Customer Service Essays

Customer Service Essays Customer Service Essay Customer Service Essay Customer Service BY KellYMsmith03 Customers are very important to any company. Without customers companies would not be successful and have no future or success. Having a good relationship with each customer that enters into your company is very important. Having good communication is important when dealing with different people who are related within your company. Customer satisfaction is very significant. It measures how the products and services supplied by a company meet the customers satisfaction. It is good to have positive feedback from customers and to be able to give them the hance to tell you how they feel about the company and also what can be fixed or what they really enjoyed. Knowing what people think about your business can help to be able to have a better business and work on different things that can be different. Customer loyalty is a great quality to have within a business. Customer loyalty is having the right attraction to customers, getting them to purchase from you, purchase often and also even being able to bring you more customers. You can build customer loyalty. I think it is important to keep in touch with your customers are how appreciation to each customer in ways that will be beneficial to them, knowing what they like and showing that you care about what they like. It is also important to treat your employees well and In return they will treat your customers well. Truly being able to care about them and proving to them that they are more than Just another purchase from them. Make their experience within your company more happy and Joyful. I think it is very important to treat people like you would like to be treated. There is however a difference between customer service and customer loyalty. Having loyal customers is what could make or break your company. Having good customer service is what gives customers the incentive to be loyal to your business. Having a good satisfaction from a company is what makes me want to return to that business and what will help me to be able to recommend the business to others. I think each business should stop and think about how they feel when they enter a business and how they would like to be treated. From their feelings they should treat their customers the way they would want. I also think it is important for companies to make each customer feel individual and show them how they appreciate them.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Realism in On the Waterfront essays

Realism in On the Waterfront essays Though the style of realism is not big, flashy, or constantly moving, it does have a sort of richness about it that, director, Elia Kazan achieves so accurately in his 1954 classic, On the Waterfront. Through his use of subtle photography, we, as an audience, are able to break away from the fact that we are watching a movie, and focus on the interaction and emotion of the characters. It is as if we are standing in the very room with the characters, observing the scene. Almost nothing is shown that we wouldnt be able to see ourselves. In fact, virtually the only obscure angle in the entire film was an oblique angle near the end when we are shown the severity of Terrys injuries through his eyes as he attempts to walk up the dock. In any formalistic film, this angle and others like it would have been used much more freely. Similar to the photography, the editing in On the Waterfront is miniscule. Most of the editing techniques are match cuts; flowing steadily through the scenes with only a few cuts to necessary characters or places. This minimalism becomes quite evident in the scene where Terry and Edie nearly get hit by the truck. In a formalistic film, the director might have chosen to show the frantic chaos of a moment by inserting multiple jump cuts, cutaways and cut-ins. An example of this would be the shower scene in Hitchcocks horror classic, Psycho, because he jumps in, out and away throughout those few moments of the murder and the audience is able to see exactly what Marion Crane sees. On the contrary, in a realistic film, such as On the Waterfront, we must rely on the actors reaction and expression in order to grasp the mood or feeling. When Terry turns around and sees that truck headed for himself and Edie, we know by that frozen look of horror, that this is a bad situation. Because On the Waterfront is a realistic fi...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Research Paper

Customer Relationship Management - Research Paper Example Rule # 1: The customer is always right. Rule # 2: If the customer is wrong, go back to Rule # 1. A customer is somebody who consumes a particular product or service and in exchange would shell out an amount for the said service or thing. Thus, to be able for any business to sustain, a system called Customer Relationship Management or CRM must established. Care after sales is so important. In fact, call centers are up to heed to every customer’s demand. Research findings from Xu and Walton, (2005) entitled "Gaining customer knowledge through analytical CRM", Industrial Management & Data Systems revealed that current CRM systems are dominated by operational applications such as call centers. The application of analytical CRM has been low, and the provision of these systems is limited to a few leading software vendors. Businesses use this online service provision to continually keep in touch with the customers. The introduction of the internet as part of the communication superhi ghway has helped shorten the gap between the business and its clientele. Thompson (2010) has said that two CRM application types are generating the most interest in 2010: Those focused on supporting revenue growth, and those geared to the trend toward social CRM. Most CRM projects are departmental and channel-specific, although large-scale CRM projects are reappearing. Therefore, CRM is a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. Money sent to the Philippines can be conveniently received through participating outlets of two of the biggest pawnshop chains in the country –Cebuana and Mlhullier’s Moneygram service and Xoom. These are just a few of the many possible ways to receive money sent to the Philippines online. The moment that the receiver gets the money, the sender will be sent a text message confirming it. This is to ease his/her worry against fraud and positive feedback has resulted from this service ( In addition, the implementation of a customer relationship management system will improve retention rate, say of a school like Everest Online. It has always been a goal of every implementer to have a successful project implementation. Houston (2011) has found that the different measure of project management success can be when the project must have been delivered to the Scope, Time, Cost and Quality and when the customer is happy with the way the project management was carried out which means that the communications in particular, and the various other aspects of the project management, must have been performed professionally. Moreover, Bose (2003) found that businesses dedicate considerable money and resources to research on consumer behaviors in an attempt to understand their target markets. As Drucker (1973) has argued, the purpose of business is t o create and then retain a satisfied customer. Similarly, Sheth and Mittal (2004) have pointed out that a business makes money only if it satisfies its customers by catering for their needs. Customer Relationship Management in its general sense in the part of the business is increasing efficiency while minimizing the cost. As CRM is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, activities also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support, its overall goals are to find, attract, and win new

Saturday, November 2, 2019

America's Rise as a World Power from 1865-1898 Essay

America's Rise as a World Power from 1865-1898 - Essay Example Additionally, America signed treaties for trade with nations like France, a sign that shows the increase in trade relations, which also increased economic growth. The economic expansion of America to other countries is also another factor that contributed to its rise as a world power. The idea of expansion of trade internationally was started by William Seward with the help of other individuals. This was an advantage to America because the expansion and colonization of other nation increased the accessibility of raw materials for industrial purposes. With the availability of raw materials, industries expanded so did the economy. Moreover, American products were sold outside the country, which was because of the expansion of industries due to the industrial revolution. With the availability of surplus products in the market, America expanded its businesses to other countries. Additionally, the country made investments in other countries, which ensured that raw materials were available for industrial use, for example, America invested in oil fields in Mexico. The investment and expansion of America’s business to other nations was an advan tage to them because of the availability of cheap labor. Efficient communications that were invented helped increase trade within different nations. With the increase in trade because of the production of many products, America raised its status to one of the powerful nations. Coalitions of America with other nation for military, trade and industrial benefit is another contributing factor to its rise as a world power. England and America come together as trading partners after solving their differences that had aroused from the enmity they had because of San Juan Islands. Relations with other big nations like German and Russia was improved by German agreements to give islands of dispute to the Americans. Russians is seen to have sold Alaska to America. With the expansion of America beyond the Pacific, its economic power increased which also lead to its rise as a super power. America growth as to power was also contributed by the expansion of its military. They considered the expansion of the military because of involvement in trade and investments in other nations. Additionally, they also had to consider expansion done by other countries on their military system and follow suit. With the support of the idea of military expansion by Alfred Mahan, who argued that military expansion could guarantee Americans safety of their businesses, America’s economy could also be increased by a growth of the military. With the idea of Alfred, America was to build a military system and navy inclusive of stations throughout the world. This would ensure them the takeover of the world as a superpower. Events that led to Spanish War of 1898 Before the Spanish war of 1898, Cubans were in the hands of Spanish colonists and they tried to free themselves from the colonists. With the idea of getting independence from the Spanish, they revolted against the Spanish using guerilla war tactics. The Cuban uprising against the Spanish failed, which prompted the Spanish to impound the lager Cuban population and put them in one location, a situation that lead to a humanitarian crisis. This is because the location that the Cubans were detained made them easily exposed to diseases and malnutrition. America saw these situations